InterPool on Goerli / Mumbai Testnets

To use InterPool on Goerli (Ethereum Testnet), you need the USDC token on the Goerli Testnet and GöETH to cover the transaction fees.

To use InterPool on Mumbai (Polygon Testnet), you need the USDC token on the Mumbai Testnet and MATIC to cover the transaction fees.

Are you still missing any of that? Have a look at Getting Started!

How to Deposit

Head to the Deposit tab in the InterPool App.

Step 1: Check the network & enter your deposit amount

Using InterPool is simple! First, make sure you are on the Goerli Testnet (or Mumbai Testnet, depending on your situation). Enter the quantity of tickets you want to get, and it will automatically show the amount of USDC you need to deposit ($50 per ticket). Click then on Review deposit.

Step 2 - Approve Tokens for deposit

The token approval does not make a deposit yet; it simply enables the protocol to use the tokens in your wallet. This is a one-time approval process per network.

To deposit into the Prize Pool, you need to allow the InterPool protocol to access the USDC tokens in your wallet. This happens through an approval transaction to the InterPool Prize Pool contracts.

Click on Confirm approval in the InterPool App and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Step 3 - Deposit Your Tokens

The "Deposit Confirmation" screen will automatically load after the approval transaction is completed. Click on Confirm deposit and confirm the deposit transaction in your wallet.

After the transaction has been submitted, you will be forwarded to the "Deposit submitted" screen. You are now eligible to join the next prediction game.

To reflect your InterPool deposit, you will receive Tickets (1 ticket for 50USDC). You can add it to your wallet with the information below:

ERC20 TicketContract Address

InterPoolTicket on Goerli


InterPoolTicket on Mumbai


Enter the Prediction Game

Now that you have InterPool Ticket(s) you can actually enter the next prediction! Make sure you save your prediction prior the end of the prediction period.

Checking for Prizes

If you entered a prediction game, you can check what prizes you won on your account section after completion of the game.

You have up to 60 days to claim a prize whenever you win. Claiming a prize will cost a transaction fee. Multiple prizes can be claimed at once.

Follow this link for information about prizes and winning.

How to Withdraw

You can withdraw your deposit from InterPool in the Account section of the InterPool app at any time, as long as you are not currently involved in a prediction game. If you participated in a prediction game you will have to wait for the game completion.

To withdraw, choose a deposit and click on Withdraw. Next, enter the amount you want to withdraw and click Review withdrawal. On the next screen, hit Confirm withdrawal and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

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Last updated