About InterPool

InterPool is a prize savings protocol, enabling you to win by saving.

  • Deposit USDC, and you will receive one or several tickets in exchange (depending on the amount you have deposited).

  • Tickets allow you to participate in periodical Sport Prediction Games.

  • At the end of the game, the prize pool is shared between all the participants based on their final rankings.

  • Withdraw your deposit any time after the game completion.

InterPool is the only Sport Prediction Game where you can earn money without taking the risk of loosing any capital !

How does it work ?

With a bit more details, here are the sequences:

  • To join the prediction game you are required to get at least 1 ticket.

  • More tickets you own, higher will be your winnings. In order to get tickets, you need to deposit a multiple of the unitary price ($50).

  • Your deposit will be locked during the full game period in order to generate interests. Those interests represents the overall prize pool that the game participants will share.

  • Once you got your ticket(s) you become eligible to enter the prediction game. This is the key moment where you need to show your prediction skills! You don't necessarily need to be 100% correct on your predictions, you just need to be better than the others in order to earn more!

  • Your predictions must be saved during the prediction period. The countdown visible on the website you let you know when the prediction period is ending.

  • At the end of the contest, the prize pool is shared based on the final rankings of all the participants. The details of the prize pool distribution is explained in here.‍

  • You can get your deposit back right after the end of the contest, or go on for another round, your ticket(s) make you eligible for all the future games!

  • Fill in your predictions for the next contest and win more prizes!

This is possible because prizes are made up of the interest that accrues on all deposited funds:

🏦 Users deposit into the network

📈 Yield accrues on all deposits

🏆 The yield is awarded as prizes to the users.

The difference between InterPool and other prize savings protocols such as lottery, is that our model is based on merit, not on luck. Everyone can make the difference.

InterPool is

InterPool is a Prize Linked Savings account powered by the blockchain. It's:

Provably fair

Prizes at InterPool are transparent: anyone can confirm who won, when, and why.

Globally accessible

The protocol empowers everyone to save. It offers a level playing field where every user enjoys the same conditions.

Fully non-custodial

No one but you has access to your deposited funds. InterPool is non-custodial, meaning users can redeem their money from the pool at any time after the end of the game they participated in.

Open-source & secure

The protocol is made up of computer software: smart contracts living on the blockchain. The code is open-source for everyone to verify and validate. On top of that InterPool will undergo regular audits.


InterPool is user-owned and user-driven. Control over the protocol rests in the hands of the community holding the INTP token (will be developed later on). Find out more about governance.

Last updated